Tips for a successful dog walk | Farm & Country

April 05, 2023 4 min read

Sporting and herding dogs that often work on farms are bred for jobs that require endurance. This is why dogs such as retrievers, spaniels, and german shepherds are known to need the most daily exercise. These breeds can make amazing companions. They do say dogs are a man's best friend, nevertheless, they’re not for the faint of heart or easily tired owners. 

Taking your dog for a walk should be enjoyable; unless it’s pouring with rain you should have no reason to dread an afternoon tramp through the fields with your four-legged friend. However, we know that despite your best efforts dogs' attitudes can change as frequently as the weather and a relaxing stroll can easily become a squirrel chase. 

dog walk

That’s why at Farm & Country we’ve put together some tips devised from years of walking our beautiful dogs. Bess our co-founder is pictured above.

Before you purchase your desired breed, take into consideration whether you have the time needed to take care of this type of dog. Often people will state their dog is unruly or disobedient, but often it’s that the dog is bored and under-exercised. Research how much exercise your new pup will need before making the purchase.

Training classes can be a great way of introducing your dog to other dogs. When your dog is not familiarised with other dogs this can be a cause for stress on walks. You don’t want to have to worry about crossing the road or turning around whenever you see another dog walker. 

If you've found yourself in a situation where your dog needs more exercise than you're capable of providing, ask family and friends for help or hire a dog walker. This will ensure you have a happier, more obedient dog.

Keep treats like the Vet’s Kitchen little stars treats to hand so you can reward your dog when they walk past people calmly or refrain from pulling on the leash. These treats are suitable for all dogs regardless of age. The added DHA is proven to support brain development in puppies and is really good for older dogs too.

You can train your dog yourself too, classes aren’t for everyone. Ensure you get your dog to sit and wait until it’s safe to cross the road. This stops them from messing around near traffic which can be dangerous especially if children take the dog for a walk. 

Sticking to a routine can help your dog get used to "walkies". Work out how much exercise your dog needs each day. Take into consideration if your dog is a working dog or not. You can set out a time and route that your dog can get used to before introducing new walks.

Supplements such as GWF joint aid for dogs can support muscles and increase freedom of movement. This will help to ensure your dog isn’t struggling with walks as they get older. 

Find areas where your dog is allowed off their lead such as woods. This gives your dog the opportunity to run around and let off steam without disrupting people in the local park or trespassing on farmers' fields. Just make sure there haven’t been any recent reports of dogs falling ill after visiting. 

dog wearing waterproof dog coat

If you’re going out in bad weather conditions you’d be silly not to take your coat. So ensure you wrap your dog up warm too. The Henry Wag waterproof dog coat will help to keep your dog dry, and means you might get away with just cleaning their paws, we can’t make any promises there though. 

Stay calm, when on a testing walk you can easily become flustered and stressed, rushing to get home before anything else can go wrong. However, dogs are very intuitive animals, they can easily pick up on a person's mood and act out because of this. Staying calm and remaining dominant will ensure your dog feels safe. They are also more likely to obey you. 

If you’re driving to an idyllic spot for a walk keep your dog safe with the Carsafe crash-tested dog harness that utilises your car's seat belt system to keep your dog safe and secure. This will keep them safe in case of a crash and also stop them from causing an accident if they don’t stay seated whilst you’re driving.

Lastly, dogs should have regular flea prevention treatments. It is even more important to regularly treat your dog for fleas to avoid infestation when they're mixing with other dogs. Our range of Advantage spot-on treatments is ideal for keeping on top of regular treatment.

We hope these tips have given you peace of mind that a stress-free dog walk is within reach. Something else to give you peace of mind is the fact we send all your orders via Royal Mail and trusted premium courier services so you know your items will be delivered on time.

If you have any further queries don’t hesitate to contact one of our friendly farm experts Mon-Sat, 8am-8pm, via phone at 01652 678886 or our email is 

See our full range of dog leads here

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