How to make fireworks less frightening for cats - Farm & Country

December 26, 2021 1 min read

With help from the RSPCA we've put together a guide to help make fireworks less frightening for your cat this New Year. 

Many animals find fireworks scary. It doesn't have to be that way though - there are lots of simple things you can do to help your pet deal with fireworks.

How to help cats who are afraid of fireworks

  • Provide hiding places in your home, such as under some furniture or in a quiet corner.
  • Don't try and tempt your cat out, as this will cause them to become more stressed.
  • Consider keeping them in - cats can become more stressed if they're outside during fireworks.
  • Microchip your cats in case they're startled and escape outside.
  • Give your cat toys to distract and amuse them

Speak to us if you would like more information on keeping your cat safe during fireworks by calling us on 01652 678886 or emailing

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