How to make fireworks less frightening for dogs - Farm & Country

December 26, 2021 2 min read

With help from the RSPCA we've put together a guide to help make fireworks less frightening for your dog this New Year. 

Many animals find fireworks scary. It's estimated that 45% of dogs in the UK show signs of fear when they hear them. It doesn't have to be that way though - there are lots of simple things you can do to help your pet deal with fireworks.

Before the fireworks season

  • Make a doggy safe haven – a quiet area in one of the quietest rooms in your house where they can feel in control; don’t disturb your dog when they’re in there.
  • Train your dog to associate the quiet area with positive experiences, e.g. by leaving their favourite toys there, but not imposing yourself at any time. Use a variety of chew toys, such as stuffed Kongs and chews, and swap them regularly, putting them away when not in use so that your dog doesn't become bored with them.
  • In time dogs can learn that this place is safe and enjoyable. When fireworks go off, they may choose to go there because they know, in that place, no harm will come to them and they are more able to cope. It's important that your dog has access to this doggy safe haven at all times, even when you're not at home.

When the fireworks start

  • Walk your dog during daylight hours to avoid times when fireworks are likely to be set off.
  • Move your dog to the safe haven each evening before the fireworks begin, and provide toys and other things that they enjoy. Make sure there are things for you to do too, so your dog isn't left alone.
  • Close windows and curtains to muffle the sound of fireworks and blackout your doggy safe haven so they can't see any flashes outside.
  • Put on some music or TV to mask the firework sounds.
  • Ignore the firework noises yourself. Play with a toy to see if your dog wants to join in, but don't force them to play.

The RSPCA recommends pheromone diffusers. These disperse calming chemicals into the room and may be a good option for your dog. 

Speak to us if you would like more information on keeping your dog safe during fireworks by calling us on 01652 678886 or emailing


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