How to make fireworks less frightening for small animals - Farm & Country

December 26, 2021 1 min read

With help from the RSPCA we've put together a guide to help make fireworks less frightening for your rabbit, hamster, guinea pig, birds and other small animals this New Year. 

Many animals find fireworks scary. It doesn't have to be that way though - there are lots of simple things you can do to help your pet deal with fireworks.

How to help small animals during fireworks

  • Partly cover outside cages and pens with blankets so an area is soundproofed and hidden, but allow another area for the animals to look out.
  • Provide bedding for small animals to burrow in.
  • Consider bringing them indoors - this will need to be done gradually, so plan ahead.

Speak to us if you would like more information on keeping your cat safe during fireworks by calling us on 01652 678886 or emailing

Have other pets? Click the links to read our guides: DogCat, Horses

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