Top Tips For Hacking Confidence - Farm & Country

May 30, 2023 1 min read

Top Tips For Hacking Confidence

This lovely weather can encourage many riders to don the high-viz and get out exploring their local hacking, but some people feel an element of nervousness when venturing away from home! Here are our top tips to have a great ride!

  • Plan your route - knowing where you're going will help build your confidence, and ensure you don't accidentally end up somewhere you don't want to be.
  • Avoid rush hour​ - adding additional traffic is bound to be stressful, so avoid going at peak times if you can. 
  • Go with an experienced and confident pair (both horse & rider)​ - they'll be a calming influence on both you and your horse.
  • Bring a fully charged phone​ - just in case there's an emergency!
  • Check the weather forecast​ - high winds or heavy rain can be unsettling for both you and your horse, and make it a much less pleasant experience.
  • Have plenty of high-viz on both you and your horse​, you can never have too much!
  • Remember to breathe if you feel nervous, it'll help you to stay calm and relaxed and give you something else to focus on.
  • Start with a short circular route avoiding busy roads and build up from there​
  • Visualise and have a positive mindset - imagine having a great ride where nothing goes wrong and it's more likely it'll happen! 
  • Remember to thank drivers when they slow down and keep you safe.
  • Tell someone when you’re going and how long you’ll be so they know if they need to worry. 

Remember, hacking is meant to be fun!


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