Show Success Top Tips - Farm & Country

June 15, 2022 4 min read

Farm & Country Online Top Tips for Show Success

Make show day a breeze with these top tips!

For many equestrians, looking smart on show day is one of the top priorities, but with a million other things to think about on competition morning, it’s not always the easiest to get right! We share our top tips for show success so you can be confident you’re looking the part.



Prepare and allow yourself plenty of time

While it’s easier said than done to allow yourself more than enough time, it really does make all the difference between show success and show shambles! There’s nothing worse on show morning than running late, especially when you see your horse has rubbed out all the plaits you lovingly put in. Our suggestion is to double the amount of time you think you need in the morning to take into consideration traffic or the show running early, and if you’re running ahead of schedule then you can pour yourself a brew and scroll through the Farm & Country Online website!


Perfect your plaits

It’s true what they say, practice does make perfect, but our saying is preparation produces perfect plaits. Ensure your mane isn’t too long or thick well in advance of attempting to plait, and make sure its freshly washed before starting the plaiting process – you really don’t want lines of grease and dandruff appearing between your plaits.

Having the right tools to hand certainly makes plaiting easier, our plaiting kit essentials are a mane and tail brush, comb, damp sponge, bands or thread and needle, and any sprays or wax that help make the job easier – you’ll find them all on the Farm & Country website. Detangling spray used too liberally can be problematic as it creates a slippery mane which is hard to grip making it difficult to get plaits tight, we however recommend the Supreme Products Easy Plait to make the job easier.

It’s key to consider your horse’s neck shape when plaiting as the plaits can really affect the overall impression of the horse. Lots of plaits can give an illusion that the neck is longer than it is; we recommend using fewer larger plaits to shorten a long neck.

The age-old question of bands vs thread and needle remains, but it’s really just a personal choice. Some find sewing in plaits gives more ability to manipulate plait shape, whereas others may find using bands is quicker and easier – there’s really no right answer!


Don’t make bath time a battle

Although time consuming, a good bath before a show really does make all the difference! Make sure you use a shampoo made specifically for horses, as human shampoo or washing up liquid can strip the oils from the horse’s coat. Grey and coloured horses are notoriously challenging to get clean and shiny, as well as those stubborn white socks – we love the Carr & Day & Martin Stain Removing Shampoo as well as the NAF Brighter Than White for making those white legs glow.

If you’re short on time or the weather isn’t good, hot clothing can be a good alternative to bathing and works well on lifting the grease and dirt from the coat and adding shine!

Shine shine shine

Hooves, tack, coat and your boots – the shine matters and really makes a difference to your overall presentation! A shiny set of hooves completes the look, but some recommend sticking to a clear natural finish and not a thick black paint. Make sure your tack is clean and shiny with our range of leather care products. Your horse’s coat wont shine without a bit of effort; good quality feed as well as regular grooming will help your horse to shine, as well as a good bath before the show. Make sure your own boots are clean and don’t have mud on the sole!


Trimming Tactics

While trimming can make your horse look sharp, it’s super easy to get wrong! Pay particular attention to the bridlepath, legs, jawline and tail, as well of course as preparing the mane.

Trimming a bridlepath is not only functional for tacking up and ensuring hairs don’t get pulled, it also makes segmenting the mane and forelock for plaiting much easier. When trimming legs with either clippers, trimmers or scissors, make sure you go in the direction of the hair to ensure the cut doesn’t look too harsh and also make sure you don’t go too close to the skin. In addition, a trimmed jawline will help sharpen the appearance of your horse’s head, and a straight cut tail approximately 4-6” below the hock will give a great finish to your horse’s presentation.


Bring a cloth to the ring

You can guarantee there will be last minute stains and slobbers you’ll want to get rid of, which is why we suggest you bring a cloth, rag or sponge with you to the ring to clear them up in no time!


With these top tips you’ll be show ready in no time!

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