Help Your Horse Beat The Heatwave - Farm & Country

July 18, 2022 2 min read

The heatwave is officially upon us across most of the UK, leaving many horse owners wondering what’s best for their horses. We share a few of our top tips so you can keep your horses safe and happy during this period, and remember, soon we’ll be moaning about rain!

Keep your horse cool – spraying your horse frequently with cold water will go a long way in helping them to feel comfortable in this weather! Don’t worry about scraping the excess water off, but keep soaking them until they feel cool to the touch.

Electrolytes – during periods of hot weather, horse’s electrolyte loss can be excessive. Horses lose electrolytes through sweating, urine and faeces. It’s important to replace them with a product which has been formulated specifically for horses, such as this one from Global Herbs.

Fly spray/rugs – sadly along with the sun comes the flies, much to the annoyance of many horses! Try to keep the flies at bay with our range of fly sprays. Some horses are less irritated by flies if they wear a lightweight fly rug to prevent the sensation of them on their skin – we have a range of fly rugs to suit all styles, sizes and budgets.

Shade – ensure shade is available for horses when turned out, either in the form of a field shelter or natural tree cover. If no shade is available in the field, consider bringing horses into stables during the hottest part of the day providing there is good air flow.

Ice gel – cooling gels such as the NAF Ice Cool Gel can help your horse feel cool and freshened.

Water intake – in the heat some horses have a decreased appetite and thirst, but drinking water is vital for their health. Ensure fresh clean water is available at all times, and if your horse isn’t drinking enough consider soaking your hay or adding additional water to their feeds

Sun block – clipped horses or those with white/pink noses are particularly at risk of burning during weather like this. A horse-friendly sunblock will go a long way in helping to protect them but remember keeping them out the sun really is the best option for their wellbeing. 

Exercise – consider if your horse really needs exercising this week, if they must be exercised, make sure you do it first thing in the morning or late in the evening to avoid the heat, make sure you give them a proper cool down and wash off and monitor their recovery carefully


Ensure you are looking after yourself as well as your horse during this hot weather, remaining hydrated, wearing suncream and keeping out the sun where possible!

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